"Love" – one of the most important things that Jesus has taught us is the value of love. We must love others as we love oneself. We must consider the needs of others beyond our own. For out of love grows every good thing and out of this same love we are able to glorify our Father in heaven.

"Obedience" – Following Jesus is an active choice of obedience. We are called to deny ourselves of our worldly desires, to bear the weight of our cross, and to follow Him wholeheartedly. The world calls us to look elsewhere, but our security is always on Jesus. He is the only truth and the only way.

"Contentment" – In our lives, many things have come and go and even to this day, we feel the urge to have more. It is not wrong to aim for something better, but it is always wise to align our desires to the cross. Am I contented with just having Jesus in my life? Am I living a life that glorifies Him? We will find contentment not on the possessions we have amassed, but we will find true contentment on Him and Him alone.

"Faith & Hope" – We may not see Him, but we feel His presence. His Spirit guides us and leads us on. Our faith is anchored on Jesus who is the only one who has conquered death. In His death, we were saved. And in His resurrection, there is hope.
