Ma. Priscilla
Uplift Cares Online Alternative Learning System Scholar 2020
When I did not know Jesus Christ, my life was full of anger, resentment, and envy. I came from a broken family so whenever I see others with their complete family, I feel deeply sad. But I did not pay attention to it and I just tried to move along with my life. I did not deal with the sadness properly so I learned how to do vices such as smoking, drinking, etc. When I was just 16 years old, my father harassed me and it made me even more rebellious and angry at him. I felt very broken.
My teachers became worried about me because I no longer go to school. Aside from my ill feelings, my family cannot support me anymore. They just let me go and do whatever I want. After finishing elementary, I immediately got a job to support myself. During that time, I had a Christian friend and she invited me to their church. I felt so happy that time because it felt like I had a new family. They accepted and loved me in spite of what I’ve been through in life. I learned how to pray. I’ve learned that even though I have trials and struggles, God is always with me.
I thank God that I had an opportunity to continue my studies through Uplift Cares Online ALS. Uplift Cares reminded me and helped me to know Jesus Christ on a deeper level and accept Him in my life as my Lord and Savior. I am reminded that no matter what happens, I must put Jesus first because with Him I am complete. My heart has been opened to the realization that even if I am not blessed with a complete family, the important thing is that I have a God who always guides me no matter what happens.
I learned how to pray. I’ve learned that even though I have trials and struggles, God is always with me.

I am reminded that no matter what happens, I must put Jesus first because with Him I am complete.